The greatest thing God ever created was a woman. Women have somehow forgotten how beautiful, intelligent, sexy, courageous, resilient (I can go on and on) they really are. Here is my proof. This is an passage I pulled from a USNEWS.COM article posted September 2008: "As of 2005, that group (referring to black women) accounted for 64 percent of the more than 126,000 women who were living with HIV/AIDS in the United States, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. The rate in 2006 of new infections in black women, moreover, was nearly 15 times that in white women—55.7 infections versus 3.8 infections per 100,000 women, respectively—according to the latest data, which appear in the September 12 issue of the CDC's Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report." Oh my God, what is really going on here. The infection rate among black women is "15 times" higher than that of white women. This is the case even though black people only make up 13% of the U.S. population. You do the math.
My beautiful sisters, stop the nonsense. Is it too much to ask for you to make sure your partners are tested before you hop in the bed? I'm not just talking about taking their word, I want you to actually view the results yourself. We are talking life or death here. Just about all of my female friends tell me they pretty much have to force a guy to use a condem. This doesn't surprise me at all. I expect an abundance of men to forgo their health and safety to tap a piece of ass on short notice. What I don't expect is for women to continue to go along with this plan without a controseptive.
I have a public annoucement to make. Ladies, in case you didn't already know, men lie. Men will expecially lie for sex. They will lie about being tested. They will lie about the results. Several men are jailed every year for knowingly infecting women with HIV. I couldn't find out how many have been charged with this crime, but if you google "jailed men knowingly infecting with HIV", you will get several individual cases to review. This is some scary shit.
My black women, its time again for you to show the world how strong you are. These numbers can be turned around, only if you act collectively to put a plan into action. The next time your girlfriend starts raving about how fine this guy is she just started dating, remind her to not go to the next level until she can verify that he has been tested recently. Even then, tell her to use protection.
I mentioned how intelligent black women are earlier. This most recent data puts this into question. Black men often talk about being my brother's keeper. Women should start being their sister's keeper. Ladies, know your worth. You are priceless!
Friday, February 20, 2009
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
Chickens On The Run!

This got me thinking about the whole cat and mouse game men and women play that starts in grade school. I joke with my homeboy til this day about keeping chicken feed in his pockets to spread around. What is chicken feed? Chicken feed is anything that will attract a woman, for example, it could be a car, money, jewelry, or non-material things, such as, however unlikely, a good personality, humor, or intelligence. Things that will attract a man are less complicated and could be referred to as a "doggy bone". LOL. Anyway, when do we as men begin to transition into the chicken chasing phase? For me, it had to begin with my older brother when I was about 11 or 12. All he and his friends ever talked about was girls girls girls girls, girls all over the world (Shot out Jay-Z). If the conversation wasn't about getting with a girl, it was about trying to get with a girl. If the conversation wasn't about the girl they just had, it was about the one they plan to get. It was like money didn't make the world go around, but women. Life was not about how many dollars you had in the bank, but how many numbers you had in the proverbial black book.
I believe these thoughts are only enhanced and fine tuned as men get older and their game becomes more organized (K-9 instincts really kick in). The predator versus prey relationship has truly developed. This is evident in the fact that most men seem to have difficulty in a monogamous relationship. Only a few men seem to be able to completely remove this kindergarten behavior from their lifestyle as adults. I refer to it as kindergarten because, it appears to develop at a young age. I've heard some people say, "Its the thrill of the chase". Every time I hear that, I want to ask them if they plan on going on an African Safari anytime soon.
The Blame Game (Men)
I used to work with a lady in her late forties. She told me about her father, the rolling stone, and how literally where ever he laid his hat was his home. She didn't know how many brothers and sisters she actually had. She turned out to be a really nice person, but I don't have to tell you what type of men her brothers (the ones she knows about) turned out. The point is, how many of us know some old school guys who fall under the same category as her father? Could this be a clue that leads us to the source of this chicken phenomenon? Or, could television perpetuate this image to us as we grow up? In how many James Bond movies does the lead character hook up with a good looking woman? In just about every movie you can think of with a stud lead male character he hooks up with a female. Wasn't Shaft a ladies man also? There may be a lot of finger pointing to go around.
The Blame Game (Women)
I haven't forgot about the song and lyrics I mentioned earlier. I'm saving the best for last. A major part of the song discusses how women use their sexuality to their benefit. Did the skirt really have to be that short? If so, why are you constantly tugging at is throughout the day to force a few more centimeters from it? When I go to the gym to workout, it never fails, there are always several women in there dressed in a revealing manner (I'm talking camel toe) talking on the cell, constantly viewing the room for observers, while barely breaking a sweat. These are the same ones that wonder why men are staring at them. Yeah, he is actually thinking about what a wonderful spouse you would make. Yeah right, "oh my, what big teeth you have, the better to eat you with my dear". That's what he's really thinking. Women flaunt it all day everyday, and men love it. There is a reason many women can't get ready for a date in under 30 minutes. Does hook, line, and sinker ring a bell? Andre 3000 talks about this very subject in his album "The Love Below". (I will do another blog on that album later.)
Truth be told, we are the foxes outside the pen sizing up the chickens. However, most chickens are armed with bird flu that they are apparently immune to. They don't seem to be bothered when they see the fox's sharp teeth as he glazes over the chicken's breast and thighs in her 5 inch heels. The chicken just stands there patiently taking her time, putting lip stick on, planning her strategy to how to use what she got to get what she wants. And 9 times out of 10, she will get what she wants.
This phenomenon has been around for ages and it won't be leaving anytime soon. Economics 101, supply and demand. Women have the supply and it is definitely in demand.
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