Friday, February 20, 2009

"Black Women" - Falling From Grace

The greatest thing God ever created was a woman. Women have somehow forgotten how beautiful, intelligent, sexy, courageous, resilient (I can go on and on) they really are. Here is my proof. This is an passage I pulled from a USNEWS.COM article posted September 2008: "As of 2005, that group (referring to black women) accounted for 64 percent of the more than 126,000 women who were living with HIV/AIDS in the United States, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. The rate in 2006 of new infections in black women, moreover, was nearly 15 times that in white women—55.7 infections versus 3.8 infections per 100,000 women, respectively—according to the latest data, which appear in the September 12 issue of the CDC's Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report." Oh my God, what is really going on here. The infection rate among black women is "15 times" higher than that of white women. This is the case even though black people only make up 13% of the U.S. population. You do the math.

My beautiful sisters, stop the nonsense. Is it too much to ask for you to make sure your partners are tested before you hop in the bed? I'm not just talking about taking their word, I want you to actually view the results yourself. We are talking life or death here. Just about all of my female friends tell me they pretty much have to force a guy to use a condem. This doesn't surprise me at all. I expect an abundance of men to forgo their health and safety to tap a piece of ass on short notice. What I don't expect is for women to continue to go along with this plan without a controseptive.

I have a public annoucement to make. Ladies, in case you didn't already know, men lie. Men will expecially lie for sex. They will lie about being tested. They will lie about the results. Several men are jailed every year for knowingly infecting women with HIV. I couldn't find out how many have been charged with this crime, but if you google "jailed men knowingly infecting with HIV", you will get several individual cases to review. This is some scary shit.

My black women, its time again for you to show the world how strong you are. These numbers can be turned around, only if you act collectively to put a plan into action. The next time your girlfriend starts raving about how fine this guy is she just started dating, remind her to not go to the next level until she can verify that he has been tested recently. Even then, tell her to use protection.

I mentioned how intelligent black women are earlier. This most recent data puts this into question. Black men often talk about being my brother's keeper. Women should start being their sister's keeper. Ladies, know your worth. You are priceless!

1 comment:

  1. It is truly a shame that we have to deal with this along with all of the other deseases that affect us more than others. The difference is that many times diabetes or heart disease is inherited and HIV is not. Though it is very unfortunate that we women usually have to take all of the responsibility for just using the birth control, we can't even depend on the men in our lives to even care about their own mortality. Tell your sisters and daughters, I know I have because they have already had the unfortunate run in with guys that have tried to lay the guilt trip on them "If you trust me we don't need that condom." Well, if they are worth being with, they should want to protect you and themselves. Men need to realize that if this high number of women have been infected, it means that it's a possibility that the beautiful, fine, sista with the big ass could quite possibly have a BIG case of HIV too. Look at Magic, you can be the beacon of health and still be carrying this burden around. Get tested.
